New ophthalmology support techniques for a hundred professionals at the IMO

A hundred professionals attended the New Ophthalmology Support Techniques Course held at the IMO on 27 and 28 May. The event was organised to provide medical ophthalmology

The course included a theoretical part and a practical part on optometry, photographic technical nursing specialising in ophthalmology, surgical nursing and ophthalmological technical assistance. According to Alfons Margalef from IMO Photography Unit and course coordinator (on the left of the centre photo), "the aim was to update them and bring them abreast of the continuously evolving new techniques." "Therefore," he adds, "we offered full exposure to all of the diagnostic technologies that currently exist, such as the new angiography techniques we use at IMO. In the Photography Department, we have an appliance, the Optomap, which provides a panoramic image of the back of the eye, so that just one shot is equivalent to 20 of those taken using previous technology. OCT tests are also worth noting, which have been around since the year 2000 and on which many advances have been made to adapt them to the diagnosis and control of different disorders such as glaucoma. The OCT provides us with knowledge on the stage of the disorder:  whether it is getting worse or has stabilised, etc." In all of the workshops offered during the course, those present could put everything discussed during the conferences into practice. "The participants really valued being able to work directly with the state-of-the-art technology we use at IMO," explains the course coordinator.

Spanish Association of Ophthalmology Assistants

Alfons Margalef was one of the founders of the Spanish Association of Ophthalmology Assistants in the mid-90s. The Society was created to promote courses to teach new techniques to ophthalmology assistants: optometrists, nurses, assistants and surgery technicians. The Association organised a yearly course until four years ago, when it ceased activity. "We have now made the most of the means we have at IMO to re-organise this course and get up to date on new techniques," explains Alfons Margalef.

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